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We are proud to be part of your journey to the best you. Here is just a small selection of our treatment results.


Incontinence The Facts

Incontinence - Emsella Chair - Body Lipo LincolnIncontinence we’ve all been there… too much fluid and not enough time, leaving us feeling like we’re going to have an accident if we don’t reach a loo immediately. It’s an uncomfortable, scary and often embarrassing feeling, but for most of us, it only happens occasionally. For some people though, an urgent need to pee is an everyday occurrence that can make life feel really miserable.

Marcus Hudson, Pelvic Floor specialist at Body Lipo Lincoln, says incontinence takes a severe toll on someone’s mental health. “Incontinence has been shown in multiple validated studies to severely affect someone’s quality of life. These patients often avoid social gatherings, have a higher likelihood of urinary tract infections and genital skin irritation, and have a higher likelihood of clinical depression.” he said.

Marcus explained that there are two types of urinary incontinence:  urgency incontinence and stress incontinence. Urge incontinence, which involves an overactive bladder, causes sufferers to have to go more than 8 times a day, often waking up in the middle of the night to rush to the loo.

“About two-thirds of men with an enlarged prostate will have symptoms of overactive bladder and occasionally will have urgency urinary incontinence,” Marcus said. “Patients with neurological conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis can often suffer with this kind of incontinence too, but in many cases there’s no obvious medical condition behind it.”

Marcus went on to say that urge incontinence can often be caused by being overweight or constipated, which can be easily reversed if treated in time.

Incontinence - Emsella Chair - Body Lipo LincolnStress urinary incontinence

is the other kind. It happens when the muscles surrounding the bladder weaken, leaving them unable to handle any pressure. That’s why coughing, laughing and sneezing can be problematic. Marcus explained that in women stress incontinence often comes along after childbirth and menopause, while many men who suffer from the condition have had prostate surgery.

Urge incontinence

can be managed with medication, but there are currently no drugs available for the treatment of stress incontinence in the UK.  “The most common therapies are pelvic floor exercises and lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and getting more fibre in the diet if constipation is the cause.

Other lifestyle changes include steering clear of fizzy drinks, caffeine, alcohol and spicy food, limiting fluids before bedtime and timing urination. Botox injections can also be used. Surgery is a last resort, but it can be very effective, with special slings or bulks implanted into the pelvic wall to support bladder function.

Urgency incontinence also can be addressed with Botox injections that help bladder muscles relax, giving sufferers more time to get to the toilet, Marcus said. Experts also recommend neuromodulation, which sends electrical signals between the brain and bladder via a special device. This device can help settle an anxious bladder and give the patient more control over the frequency with which they need to pee.

stress incontinence treatment, urge incontinence treatment, urinary incontinence treatment, Emsella chair

The BTL Emsella Chair

Marcus explained that t BTL Emsella Chair is a state-of-the-art neuromodulation device that’s been approved by the FDA for its revolutionary, non-invasive approach to treating urinary incontinence.

The BTL Emsella chair is an FDA-cleared device, providing a revolutionary non-invasive treatment for urinary incontinence.  Men and women can use the chair, which contains special magnets that cause the pelvic floor muscles to contract, taking them to a supermax level that’s impossible through Kegel exercises alone. Because it’s non-invasive it’s a great alternative to surgery, and patients stay fully clothed throughout.

The Emsella Chair is completely painless, requires zero input from the patient and each session takes under half an hour. Its powerful magnet creates an electromagnetic field that stimulates the muscles in the pelvic floor, delivering a huge 11,200 Kegel contractions in just 28 minutes. It’s hugely effective, with 95% of patients reporting a huge improvement in their symptoms and 84% having no further incontinence problems at all. It can also be used to tighten the vaginal muscles and alleviate erectile dysfunction in men.

If you’d like to find out more about how the BTL Emsella Chair can help you or a loved one, complete the consultation form below. During your consultation we will gain a clear overview of your current situation and any health conditions that may be causing incontinence, before agreeing the most appropriate course of treatment. You will be given the opportunity to try the chair during your consultation, and the £50 fee will go towards your treatment plan.

Marcus said the most important thing to do if you’re suffering with incontinence is to realise that you’re not alone. “Millions of people all around the world experience incontinence, so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.  We are here to help, and we’ll go above and beyond to make you feel at ease. Don’t suffer in silence!” he said.

The Emsella Chair Treatment – Consultation Form

Or you can call our friendly team of incontinence specialists on 01522 523777.

Home Results Gallery

We are proud to be part of your journey to the best you. Here is just a small selection of our treatment results.

Vaginal Prolapse

What Is Vaginal Prolapse?

When the vagina moves out of its place within the pelvis, it’s known as vaginal hernia or vaginal prolapse. The effects of this vary from patient to patient- in some cases the movement is only slight, but in the most severe cases the vagina ends up sticking out of the body.

It can be an uncomfortable (sometimes painful), embarrassing and distressing condition, but if you’re experiencing vaginal prolapse there are plenty of options. It’s often treated with pelvic floor exercises, physiotherapy, medication and, in severe circumstances, surgery.

Here at Body Lipo Lincoln we use a ground-breaking treatment called the Emsella Chair, which we’ll explain in more detail further on in the article. First, let’s start with what vaginal prolapse looks and feels like.

Signs and Symptoms of Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal Prolapse - Body Lipo Lincoln

Surprisingly, it’s quite common for women to have a prolapsed vagina without even realising, remaining completely unaware until they have a medical exam. When symptoms are present, they can include:

  • Lower back pain
  • Urine leakage
  • Repeat bladder infections
  • A feeling of bulging or fullness, particularly at the end of the day
  • Problems with bowel movements
  • Sexual discomfort
  • Discomfort or problems with inserting tampons
  • Organs sticking through the opening of the vagina (this is in extreme cases)

Risk Factors

Vaginal prolapse tends to become a greater risk with age, particularly after the menopause. It’s also more common in women who have given birth vaginally, are overweight or those who smoke.

Causes of Vaginal Prolapse

As many as one third of all women are likely to experience some kind of vaginal prolapse. The most common causes are vaginal childbirth (especially multiple deliveries), menopause, hysterectomies, being overweight, straining to have a bowel movement and heavy lifting. There are also some medical conditions such as tumours and congenital bladder defects that can cause the vagina to prolapse.

Vaginal Prolapse Varies Depending on Which Organs Are Affected:

of the small bowel due to a lack of vaginal support. It’s particularly common following a hysterectomy.

Prolapsed uterus: this is caused by weak ligaments at the top of the vagina.

Cystocele:  this kind of prolapse happens when the front vaginal wall collapses. If the urethra is also affected, it’s called cystourethrocele)

Rectocele: this happens when the back wall of the vagina fails, causing the rectum to fall through the vagina

Enterocele: this  is when there’s a hernia

Diagnosing Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal Prolapse - Body Lipo Lincoln

It’s quite common for healthcare providers to discover a vaginal prolapse during physical examinations. During the exam, they may identify the problem by asking you to tense your muscles as if you’re having a bowel movement or trying to stop urinating.  They will also ask if you’ve had any other signs or symptoms, like incontinence.

If a doctor suspects you do have a vaginal prolapse, they may request a scan such as an ultrasound to see if any other organs are being affected.

Treatment and Prevention of Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal Prolapse - Body Lipo Lincoln
  • Vaginal pessaries that provide support to the vaginal wall
  • Surgery, varying from minimally invasive operations that provide support to having the vagina stitched up. This is obviously a last resort for most people as while it stops symptoms it means you can no longer have penetrative sex.
  • Physiotherapy – this includes pelvic wall strengthening exercises
  • Emsella Chair – this is a revolutionary device that has been created by a pioneer in the area of incontinence therapy. The treatment is easy, non-invasive, quick and totally painless, and the results have been fantastic. All you have to do is sit on the chair, fully clothed, which the state-of-the-art technology does the rest. The chair involves electromagnetic technology that stimulates the pelvic floor muscles, taking them to supramaximal level. This means your brain doesn’t have to regulate the contractions so there’s no input from you required whatsoever – and in just 28 minutes your pelvic floor will get the same amount of exercise as it would have with 11,2000 Kegel contractions!


Vaginal prolapse is a condition that involves the vagina falling down from its normal place within the body. It’s more prevalent among women who have given birth vaginally or those who are post-menopausal. If you have a prolapsed vagina, you may be completely unaware, but if you are presenting any symptoms there are a range of treatment options available. These vary from strengthening exercises to surgery. The Emsella Chair has proven to be highly effective for women who are experiencing symptoms of vaginal prolapse.

Vaginal prolapse can be embarrassing and uncomfortable but is rarely life-threatening. Medical professionals are highly trained in recognising the signs and symptoms of prolapse and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If you’re worried that something does not feel right, contact your GP straight away


Frequently asked questions about vaginal prolapse.

What does vaginal prolapse feel like?

Vaginal prolapse can be completely painless, but you may feel like there’s a pressure or something sticking out of your body. If your bladder feels full or heavy this can also be a sign of a prolapsed vagina.

Can you fix a prolapse on your own?

If your prolapse isn’t severe, you may be able to treat it yourself with pelvic floor exercises. Contact your healthcare professional for advice on how to do them effectively.

How can I tell if the prolapse is severe?

If you’re having problems with bowel movements or peeing, or if you notice something sticking out of your vaginal opening, this could be a sign of a severe prolapse.

What is the Emsella Chair?

The Emsella Chair has been specifically designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by making them contract. It was created by experts in urinary incontinence and is totally non-invasive, clean, quick and painless. It can also eliminate common incontinence symptoms like leakage, dribbling and a feeling of fullness in the bladder.

Emsella’s ground-breaking technology targets the pelvic floor muscles, making it stronger at the same time as stopping symptoms. It gives patients a new lease of life, empowering them to laugh, exercise, have sex, cough without fear of discomfort or leaks.

Every thing you need to know about incontinence blog, stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed incontinence, over flow incontinence, btl Emsella chair, Body Lipo Lincoln

If you are ready to find out how this revolutionary treatment can help you, please complete the below form to book an in-depth consultation. During the consultation, we will discuss your condition and the non-surgical and surgical treatment options for urinary incontinence. Following your consultation, you will have the opportunity to try our Emsella chair. The £50 consultation fee is redeemable against any treatment plan.

The Emsella Chair Treatment – Consultation Form

Alternatively, please feel free to call our friendly team of incontinence specialists on 01522 523777.